My work covers following technical hard- and software experience:
Qtake Operator, Pomfort Livegrade & Silverstack, Assimilate Scratch, DaVinci Resolve, Adobe Premiere Pro, Avid Media Composer, Apple Final Cut 7, TheFoundry Nuke. Apple OSX, Network and Video technician.
2017-today | DIT House GmbH, Zürich
My own company as QTO (QTake Operator / VTR) or DIT on the movie set.
2011-2017 | stories AG, Zürich
As QTO (QTake Operator), DIT or visual FX supervisor on the movie set and as TD or visual FX supervisor in post production.
2010-2011 | Freelancer, Zürich
As TD and visual FX supervisor in post production. My work area included editing, compositing and visual FX supervisor on the film set.
2000-2010 | Beck & Friends GmbH, Zürich
During this time I worked as a visual effects supervisor in post production.
1997-2000 | Beck & Friends GmbH, Zürich
I was trained as a lighting-assistant, grip-assistant and editor-assistant.
1991-1997 | ITS, International Telekommunikations Services, Zürich
Installation, maintenance and repair of hardware and software as well as the maintenance of different networks.
1990-1991 | Telekurs AG, Zürich
I mainly worked at the operation central, maintenance and expansion of communication and optimized network availabilities.
1986-1990 | Elektrizitätswerk der Stadt Zürich
I carried out revisions of 11’000V overhead lines and 230 / 400V.
1987-1989 | Dancing Belmondo, Dübendorf
DJ every Tuesday and Friday night.